
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Garyion’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Garyion in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

Hello, thank you for taking the time out of your day to click this. My 18 year old son Joe. Joe is the most humblest human being I know, he lives his crisis. He doesn’t let it live him. To know Joe is to love him! He’s a brother of 5, that loves him dearly. Let me tell you a little about my son — He’s very different from most young men, he loves music, games and working. Joe is very independent, loving, kind, well-mannered, caring, confident and dependable at such a young age. His dream is to become an entrepreneur for Hvac, to eventually run his own company mentoring other young men. Joe was diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SCD) SS. Those that aren’t aware of what SCD is, it’s sickle cell anemia an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body properly. Normally with a person that doesn’t have this disease, the round red blood cells can move easily through blood vessels. People whom have sickle cell anemia red blood cells are shaped like sickles or cashew peanuts. These rigid, sticky cells can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body, causing severe pain episodes that may more than likely require hospitalization. When Joe was younger, he’d get minor crisis. The crisis has become more fierce and painful for him as he gets older. You’d think he loses hope at times but he remains optimistic and humble in spite of his health challenges, despite all of the hospitalization stays Joe keeps his spirits high in good faith. Joe has endured numerous pain crisis, hospitalizations, blood transfusions and has had pneumonia several times throughout his life. Withholding him from certain activities that a child should be able to do. My son hides his pain, he reminds me of a lion. The head of a herd of lions hides their pains, so they aren’t viewed as weak or preyed upon. That’s Joe. He will silently deal with his crisis unless I press onto him. We have always longed for him to experience life as a normal young man, wondering what life would be like if he could play sports or participate in certain activities that his friends would ; without his low oxygen hemoglobin level draining him to the point of weakness and exhaustion. Joe would love to go to the beach, but we’re afraid of the consequences of a severe pain crisis afterwards. After this last hospitalization stay, the doctors have expressed that Joe is experiencing a lot of pain since he has gotten older. Which means that the only options would be to slowly deteriorate his bone marrow or have a bone marrow transplant that’ll give him a chance of living healthy without such crisis. This has left our family in a bind facing very hard decisions. Joe’s siblings all tested, to see who’d match his blood. After patiently waiting so long the blood tests revealed that my 21 year old daughter Gareona is an donor match for Joe. In order to prevent any further organ damage, bone marrow transplant specialist in St Pete Fl, have agreed that this is the only option of hope for giving Joe a second chance at living that crisis free life, free of pain and free of organ damage. Before we take on this procedure, Joe has to go through chemotherapy for a very long time ; for those that aren’t aware of how severe chemotherapy can be — it causes you to become very weak, dependable, vulnerable and afraid. You go from being independent and confident, to needing bed side assistance for the smallest things. My son will be out of work for 6 months to a year, if not longer. I his mother Michelle will be out of work for a few months to take care of him. I’ll be his caregiver for as long as he needs. When this procedure starts they’ll be breaking down his bone marrow to build a new one with his transplant donor. The hospital is hours away from home and family. This is a very extensive and serious procedure that will require myself and my son Joe to relocate to St Pete, FL. for approximately 60-90 days, beginning in December of 2023. These emergency funds are needed to assist us with relocation expenses, transportation, personal expenses, loss of wages during this period of time that Joe will need my full support and therapy throughout recovery as his immune system may take up to a year to fully recover from this rigorous procedure. When this is over, Joe will then have to seek a fertility doctor to check if he can have children down the line. This crisis is life changing in so many ways! This leaves a mother with no word’s, just prayers and hopes. PLEASE offer up your prayers and positive energy as we embark upon a journey of healing. Donate what you can in support of my son CURE FOR SICKLE CELL DISEASE .. My son deserves this chance at a crisis free life. #sicklecellwarrior #sicklecellawareness #sicklecelldisease #sicklecellanemia #acureforJoe #bonemarrowtransplant

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