
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Jeremy ’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Jeremy in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

 I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a critical situation that my family is currently facing. My son, Jeremy Bowman, is scheduled for a life-saving Bone Marrow Transplant that could potentially save his life. However, we have recently encountered a devastating setback. Jeremy is only 33 years old and a single parent of two children.

 Due to the new Family income limits, the DHS/State of Texas has denied Jeremy's continued Medicaid coverage, resulting in the termination of his current Medicaid as of June 30th, 2023. This decision has left us in a state of despair and uncertainty. We have called numerous supervisors at DHS, the office of Ombudsman and are getting nowhere and getting no help.

Currently, his family income stands at $1489.00 per month from RSDI, which barely covers his basic needs as a family of three. Without the crucial Medicaid coverage, he is unable to afford the life-saving treatment that Jeremy urgently requires. The consequences of this denial are dire, and his life hangs in the balance. He is currently receiving services at MD Houston facility.

 I implore you to consider the gravity of this situation and the potential impact of your intervention. Jeremy's life depends on the reinstatement of his Medicaid coverage, so he can receive the vital treatment he needs to survive.

 Time is of the essence, and I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly.

Time is of the essence, and every passing day without Medicaid coverage brings us closer to losing Jeremy.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this challenging time. I eagerly await your response.

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