
Reaching out to a Community of Support

Welcome to Seth’s Carelines page! Thank you for coming to support Seth in his journey of recovery. Here you can:

Following intuition that something was off, Wednesday, January 5th we took our 3 year-old, Seth, to the doctor. After a simple blood draw, to our horror and worst fears, they immediately suspected Leukemia and instructed us to drive 4 hours down to Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah. The severity of Leukemia was so high they even suggested life-flighting him that moment, but decided he didn’t need the additional stress and fear, after all he is only 3, how much can he understand? 

In spite of our shock, numbness, and terror, we immediately jumped to action to care of our little one. We called family to help watch and take care of our older two kiddos and set about trying to make preparations for something we had no idea how to prepare for. I never thought I’d be calling my mom to tell her that my son and her grandson has cancer, or my Hallie and Trey that their baby brother was sick and we had to leave immediately… those conversations are something I never wish upon anyone, ever. For a few short minutes, we sat together as family to pray. As we held each other, crying and sharing the tremendous weight, we felt a calm feeling of peace in the knowledge that our family is forever.

After quickly packing, calling, and crying some more, we got in the car and started our 4 hour journey south. In the ample travel time, we considered the upcoming trials and possibilities, some good but mostly terrifying. All the while, our sweet little Seth kept asking us, “Mom, Dad - why are you sad?”

After arriving at the hospital, we started the treatment process: More tests, evaluations, medications, surgeries, chemo, and of course, tears. We began to grapple with the process that will take 2.5 years - hopefully. Seth was officially diagnosed with B-ALL Leukemia and from what we understand so far, we’ll be making weekly treks for at least the first 9 months to Primary Children’s in Salt Lake for Sethie’s chemo, with at least 4 in-patient stays over those months. Depending on his reactions to treatment and levels, treatment will change specifically to be geared towards Sethie’s body. Hopefully, these will be short trips, but who knows what his reactions will be each week and how long we’ll have to stay. 

Obviously, our lives have completely changed. We’ve gone from our normal life of both of us having full-time jobs, multiple volunteer positions/duties at church, coaching at Thunder Ridge HS, daily extra curricular activities for the kids, carpool, playdates and everything in between to figuring out to how to keep our little boy here and healthy. There have been many additional expenses and it’s challenging to know how to tackle this mountain ahead of us. Thankfully, we’ve had many people reach out and advocate on our behalf. For those unsure of the best way to help, donating in this forum will be the best place where your love and support can be translated to tangible relief. We’ll be able to use these funds to help with treatment, medical bills, transportation, and everything in between. 

Thank you so much for your calls, prayers, concern, packages, thoughts and help you’ve given our family. I wish I could adequately express my gratitude for the village that has risen up to help lift us from this pit. We love you, and we appreciate all the help that has and will be given.

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